artists statement : I pursue my dance works to be “a body as zero” on stage. It is just a body, which has no individual background, no generation, no border, and even no identity. It is a body for resonance, and it is like a natural phenomenon, which is changing continually like fire or earth. I think dance is the art of dynamics. The moment “a body as zero” starts moving with the new power of life created by the operation of music, lights, and the space, I think that is the beginning of dance. Dance is like a correlation between rising and vanishing energy on a purified body and the way it becomes is just like primitive rites or meditations seeing unknown imagination.-----Ikuya Sakurai
《櫻井郁也 Sakurai Ikuya》舞踊家。1964年、奈良県生。笠井叡に師事。初公演「深き淵より-霧 / 雨ノ木」ののち、美術の櫻井恵美子と共にダンスアートユニット「十字舎房(cross-section)」を設立(1997)。以後、共同で創作活動を行い、現在まで40余のダンス公演を持続。定期的な劇場公演のほか、NHK教育番組での振付・テキスト執筆(2002~07放送)、「ダンス白州」フェスティバル(2001,2006~09連続参加)での野外ソロ、横浜国立大附属小学校での子どものためのソロ公演(2012)など、多様な活動を重ねる。 2006年、ポルトガル招聘公演。2012年夏、越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ参加。2012年秋、ルクセンブルク招聘公演およびワークショップ。東京・杉並で独自のダンスクラスを指導する。日本大学芸術学部映画学科監督コース卒。同・芸術研究所修了。オイリュトミーシューレ天使館・第一期修了。主な作品に「カナリゼーション〈祈りの河〉」(04)「TABULA RASA」(06)「HAKOBUNE・方舟」(12)など 。
profile : Sakurai Ikuya is a dancer/choreographer based in Tokyo. He became a pupil of Kasai Akira . In 1997, he has created a company with artist Emiko Sakurai a company “Sakurai Ikuya/CROSS-SECTION”. Until this date, he has created and performed more than 40 dance pieces, and also has been teaching professionals and amateurs, through exploring the new possibilities of butoh. 2000: Participated in "Theater X(cai)" International Dance Festival Tokyo. 2001and 2006-2009: participated continuously in "Dance Hakushu" Festival directed by Tanaka Min. 2002: Choreographed for NHK educational TV Program. 2006: Invited from 10th “a sul” Contemporary Dance Festival in Portugal. 2012: participate in Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale Niigata Japan.2012: Invited from "Centre culturel régional Dudelange", and "Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois" , LUXEMBOURG.